Real, Quezon 2018

So, after four years I was able to visit again this surf spot in Quezon. It was 2014 when I first see this place (See blog post here) and for the nth time- sunrise here is worth it.

Taken 5:04am using iPhone 8.

YES! Using my iPhone 8. just imagine how beautiful the photo will be if I use a professional camera (but I was not ready) haha!

Is waking up early worth it? YES!!!! I have to literally run from the tent towards the shore to take this photo. haha!

Here’s more: All of these photos has no filters. raw pictures from my iPhone.


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This time we stayed at Calypso Coastal Reef Resort.

They have a natural pool here, the water is from the mountains and its freaking cold but relaxing. πŸ™‚

They have non-air-con cottages (Kubo) for Php1500 ($29.12)

Air-con Rooms for Php5,500 ($106.78)

And tent pitching is Php300. ($5.82)

You also have to pay Php50 ($0.97) entrance fee.

The staff here are very accommodating, you can buy seafood and they will cook for you with a Php50($5.82) charge for every kilo. Not bad.

When the food is ready they will serve it for you as well. They don’t have board rentals but you can go to the nearby resort for that.

Surf Board- 300/ Hour ($5.82)

Skim Board- 300/ day ($5.82)

And then of course when you visit Quezon don’t forget to buy, SQUIDDDDDD!!!!

That’s my husband holding a 1.7kilo squid and its only Php204 (around $4).

In manila that big squid must be around Php500!



Blessed to have this trip with my family. Truly God is amazing. πŸ™‚

6 thoughts on “Real, Quezon 2018

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    1. Hi Janina, yes the beach front is actually rocky and the other part has magrove pg low tide. Have to walk a few mins pa to reach the beach front of real surf doon kasi maganda ang shore. πŸ™‚ your welcome! πŸ™‚


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